Parents kept his daughter hostage for 2 years

Parents kept his daughter hostage for 2 years

Constriction:  Can the parents bad behaviour  with their own children, Such a case that unfolded in the Tucson city of U.S. Arizona Police of the America said that The Mother and step father of three sisters were held captive inhuman behaviour. According to police, 12 and 13 years old sisters somehow managed to escape and reported the case to their neighbours.

The girls said that her stepfather had tried to attack her with a knife. Police later freed in a room off the 17-year-old girl. The girls told police that he would not bath from six months. They placed individually and they did not see each other during the past two years.
Parents kept his daughter hostage for 2 years
Parents kept his daughter hostage for 2 years

The 34-year-old named Fernando Richter stepfather and 32-year-old mother Sofia have three emotional and physical abuse and kidnapping charges. She was victim of nutrition. Father is accused of sexually exploitation. These girls were monitored for 24 hours and were kept in soundproof rooms.

According to Tucson police chief Roberto Vila senor, "girls walking - travellers, when did go to the bathroom and she used to eat the food when all it was controlled. Loud music was played in the girls room and put towels under the doors so that the sound does not get out. "

The girls were rescued are now under the supervision of the Department of Child Welfare.  The older girl had started a diary during hostage. Investigators are now studying it. Police are also trying to find out whether the girls did go to school. Appeared in court on Wednesday,  the mother and father anyone who has not filed a petition.

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