Metro derailed in New York 4 killed 67 wounded

Metro derailed in New York 4 killed 67 wounded

Network: In New York City subway due to train derailed at least four people were killed and 67 others wounded. The accident occurred Monday morning local time.

News Channel CNN said through officials quoted in the Bronx of New York City near Spite Devil station at least two bogies of Metro train had derailed, because of the reason had to put main emergency services. Relief and rescue workers and firemen employees reached at the scene in a large number.
Metro derailed in New York 4 killed 67 wounded
Metro derailed in New York 4 killed 67 wounded

One bogie derailed in both Bogies left only a few feet away from Harlem River. According to WABC affiliated to CNN that after the many hours of the accident the police divers were searching the survivors in the water. The Governor Andrew Kumar told to the reporters that Officials confident that all passengers have been counted. The matter could not be found that what the speed was at the time of the accident and how many passengers were travelling in the train at the same time.

Kumar said that if we discuss about the reason of the accident then we have no idea what happened in the train or way. He said that Investigators have been rushed to the spot from National Transport Safety Board. CNN affiliate DWABC quoted through fire department officials that as soon as the train passed 7 am in the morning through sharp curves its coaches were derailed. Seven coaches of the train were derailed from the eight coaches. Train operator told investigators that he tried to brake, but the train speed did not slow. Operator was also injured in the accident.

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