Japanese Robots said in Space, I have no problem

Japanese Robots in Space
Japanese Robots in Space
Tokyo: Kirobo first Japanese -speaking human-like robot in space is perfectly normal behavior. The International Space Station ( ISS ) in the zero gravity environment of dialogue with Japanese astronaut . Robot manufacturer said there was no problem of any kind

Kirobo few months ago Tnegashima island of Japan through the H- 2B rocket was sent to ISS . The conversation was not previously Kirobo feed . Naturally her say it was designed to answer the question .

It also has the ability to learn like humans . Last Friday, Tomotaka Takahashi issued by the manufacturer Kirobo footage shown on his first mission to the ISS . Japanese astronaut Koichi Vkata he is speaking with . In conversation
Vkata the zero gravity environment of space Kirobo asked how he 's feeling .

The Kirobo said , 'I have to get used to this environment , there is no problem of any kind . " Vkata ISS arrived in November and March , 2014 will be there . While in conversation Kirobo sporadic stops and Vkata him very slowly had to talk . Takahashi said the problem will heal with time . He said that after a long process of negotiation , we understand the early stages of the relationship between robot and human will .

Although the U.S. space agency NASA says that his Robonot -2 look like humans in space is the first robot that can fly . The torso legged robot without name in 2011 to the ISS .

With Kirobo research will continue until the end of 2014 . After this it will be called upon earth . According to Kirobo , Santa Clause this Christmas he wanted to ask his toy robot.

Japan, Robot, Space - Japanese Robots said in Space, I have no problem

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