If U.S in debt crisis, many countries will drown billions dollors

If  U.S  in  debt crisis, many countries will drown billions dollors

PTI, Washington-Not finish the shutdown and in case of being caught in a debt crisis-India's $ 59 billion is at stake. Indeed, India has the U.S. Government Securities of similar amount. In business language this amount is called exposure. India's amount BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and the U.S.) countries is second from the bottom.

According to the Treasury Department, India have 61.2 billion U.S. Treasury securities in June this year who India later brought down to $ 59.1 billion to July .

In January, the amount was $ 58.5 billion, 56.8 billion dollars were down in February.

However, despite the threat of U.S. debt crisis, Raghuram Rajan, Governor of the Reserve Bank of India in a few days ago the U.S. had refused to sell the property.

He told us about it (the debt crisis) are not concerned.

U.S. government securities and ranks first in China in terms of keeping him close to $ 12.8 trillion. Which is then followed by Japan, the U.S. Securities amount to 11.4 trillion. These figures are for July. BRICS countries, Brazil, China, in keeping with the U.S. Securities is followed.

Brazilian Securities in July was nearly 256 billion dollars.Meanwhile, Russia and South Africa 131.6 billion of securities were $ 13.8 billion.

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If  U.S  in  debt crisis, many countries will drown billions dollors

If  U.S  in  debt crisis, many countries will drown billions dollors

The U.S. government has stalled efforts to restore functioning before October 17 suffered a major setback on Tuesday. White House to end the impasse resolution of the House of Representatives Republicans dismissed the alleged extortion dubbed.

White House spokeswoman Amy Brandej said, "President Barack Obama again and again saying that MPs can not demanded a ransom to fulfil its basic responsibility . To pass the budget and  to pay the bills of nation is their responsibility. "

He said the latest proposal of House of Representatives Republican, Republicans is  trying to calm the small group.In fact, the biggest reason why governance is being stalled. President to decide further action, including Nancy Pelosi meeting with House Democrats are going to lead.

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