UK scientists unraveled the mystery of the Himalayas Yethi

UK scientists unraveled the mystery of the Himalayas Yethi
UK scientists unraveled mystery of Yethi
Britain's Oxford University scientists reportedly found in the Himalayas Yethi (Yeti) claims to solve the mystery . Oxford University scientist Brian Jean Seeks 17 October 2013 reported this regard .

According to scientists at Oxford University Yethi actually forgotten Himalayas - bear (brown bear) was a species . These scientists concluded by Yethi DNA testing of hair found in the DNA of the organism Ancient Polar Bear (Polar Bear) meet .

UK scientists said gene Yethi hair found in the Himalayan region of Ladakh in the west and the other from the mummy of an unknown creature found in Bhutan 10 years ago, met
an unknown organism . DNA from the hair collected data from various DNA were mixed and their similarity forgotten - was found to bear . Yethi the Kriptaid (Cryptid) is thought to be members of the group .

Yethi , whom the Snowman , mah - Teh (Meh-Teh) and Abonimebl Snowman (Abominable Snow Man) , also known by the name , referring to the legends get older . It is believed that the physical structure of the human Yethi Nepal and Tibet were found in the Himalayan areas . Although some scientists believe it is still alive and human Ninderthl believe it . Yethi is one of the North American Bigfoot .

UK, Mystery, Science, Geographic Environment - UK scientists unraveled the mystery of the Himalayas Yethi

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