Seven States of Spirit

Ved between the birth and death and birth and death are such that the three phases are constant and continuous . He has three states : awake , dreaming and sleeping . The three stages of exit method is called Hinduism .
Seven States of Spirit
Seven States of Spirit

This sequence shows - awakened person sleeps on the bed in the first stage goes Swpnik deep sleep is when it is in sleep state . Similarly, in the reverse order dawns again be awakened . At the same time remains in the three stages . Some people also dream while awake that they do go deep into fantasy .
The person who comes out of the three stages of existence itself assumes the same salvation , the salvation of God is the true path . The three-phase , respectively, are out . It has to be in sustained attention while the witness is achieved : Turiy state , Turiyatit state , Bhagavad- consciousness and consciousness Brahmi .

1. Waking Stage of Spirits :life right now are reading this article you 're reading in waking life ? Exactly to remain in the present state of consciousness is awakened, but most people surely do not live in the present . Imagine waking dream state and is only to be lost in thought .

When we are no plans for the future , imagine living in the present - to go public . It is not realistic to imagine a sort of folk dream - is public . Remember when we lost in the past , we Memory - folk are moved . Also - another kind of dream - is public .

Most people living in the dream world die , they are currently living just 10 percent of their life if they are unable precisely to remain in the present state of consciousness is awakened .

2 . Dream state : the state between waking and sleeping dream state says. Ie be immersed in sleep is called sleep state . Slept a little bit and keeps the person awake in a dream . Integrating the experiences and emotions , it remains unclear how long the person can not be trusted to dream .

This is so that all the traffic lights and police diverted from the area Beedhbre off street lights . Flick the person having such a move would represent the past or would like to look behind the rope snake move . The day of our lives, our dreams , thoughts , expressions and happiness - are based on suffering . It can record any kind of world.

3 . Sleep stages : deep sleep is called sleep . Including five senses and five organs of action in this state of consciousness ( we own ) to rest . Five senses - eye , ear , tongue , nose and skin. Five Karmenndraian - speech , hand , foot , and Piu Upsth .

The idle state of deep sleep state of consciousness . It will state - is free from sorrow experiences . At this stage some sort of pain or suffering of any kind would not experience . At this stage neither action is not likely to act . Most people in this state at the time of death and the deeper they go.

4 . Turiya stage : the fourth state of consciousness called Turiy consciousness . This condition is derived from individual efforts . Neither of consciousness is a property of the state , nor any form . It is without attributes , is formless . There is no awakening , neither dream nor sleep . The full awareness of thoughts and past and future is beyond imagination .

It 's like the bottom of the clear and calm waters appears . Fourth Turiy means . To say anything about this feature addresses from this number . It 's like transparent glass or white screen cinema which does not project above anything .

Wake , dream , sleep Chetnaan occur on screen and as Turiy occur , they 'll Turiy consciousness - B - Who is projected to experience . The base - consciousness . From here begins the spiritual journey across the world suffer because of Turiy part of the cross is salvation . Just need a jumper.

5 . Turiyatit stages : the first step Turiyatit Turiy experience across the state . It comes after a permanent state Turiy experience . The person receiving the same state of consciousness is called a yogi or Yogsth .

The state continues to work while not stopping Adishtit . At this stage the work and services can be found at the same point . This condition is achieved , then the life lived life - free . At this stage the person does not require the physical body and organs . He can do everything without it . Turiyatit intuitive state of consciousness - also called samadhi .

6. Bhagwat consciousness: remain in a state of Turiyatit live - without Bhagavad-conscious state can be achieved in practice. The development of the spontaneous, natural and becomes Nispryas.

At this stage the person is not hiding anything and she seems to acknowledge the power of God to the entire world. This is a great Siddha Yogi curve.

7. Brahmi consciousness: Bhagavad-consciousness in the individual consciousness dawns moon that is full of flowering lotus. The difference between the devotee and God be erased. Ttwmsi ego God, and that I am Brahman and Brahman seems to me that the entire universe.

This condition is the sum stated in the ecstatic state. Live - Live salvation

Seven States of Spirit - Spirituality and Astrology

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