Destruction of Mammoth is Due to Climate Change

Destruction of Mammoth
Destruction of Mammoth
Scientists study showed that mammoths living on Earth thousands of years ago the destruction caused by changes in weather . So far it is believed that the mammoth was due to the destruction of humans . The study of the Swedish Museum of Natural History was led by scientist Dr. Love Dylan .

The study found that the onset of the extinction of mammoths began 20 thousand years ago , at the height of the ice age , not the 14 thousand years ago, the Earth began to warm again , it was first believed to . He
also believes that the cold was so much that mammoths used to eat the grass , they were reduced , which was the end of the mammoths .

The aim of the study
By scientific specimens were trying to figure out how many mammoths lived at a particular time and how he went from one place to another .

Studies related to the fact
• This study was based on DNA analysis of mammoths .
• DNA analysis indicated that because of climate change on Earth was far before the end of mammoths .
• The study showed that there were a large number of mammoths in Europe whose end was approximately 30 thousand years ago .
• The study found that 1 lakh 20 thousand years ago when mammoths were close to extinction , the Earth grew warmer for some time .
• Then their numbers decreased from millions come around some ten thousand, but the number rose again on earth from another ice age .
• Under the study with other researchers in London, the DNA samples were analyzed nearly 300 Mammoth .

Mammoth (Mammoth) was a giant elephant -like creatures that are now extinct . Its scientific name is ' Mamuths Praimiginiys ' (Mammuthus primigenius) is . In France, it is estimated that by the end of the last ice age animals and Saibiria possibly have lived up further.

Mammoth, Science - Destruction of Mammoth is Due to Climate Change

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