
 Electronic-waste :

Not in Delhi, in whole north India, seelampur has became the top e-waste scrap market. According to study seelampur is the biggest terminal to create electronics goods in parts. 50 percent used computer sales and recycling from there. The well-informed says that the separate parts of computers carried away from here and sold the parts in the merchants of muradabad from (up). And the other side Mumbai generates the highest e-waste in country. In  statistics every year 11663.54 ton e-waste generates here and the recycling plant grow only 75,00 tons.

Delhi :

According to the report of toxic link in delhi 70% electronic goods generates from recycling unit. According to another report 5000 mitrik ton e-waste generates every year from here. Here is the large-scale recycling. About 25000 workers involved it and in every ten years 20,000 ton e-waste recycled from here. That is the cause the people affected from it directly or undirectly. Statistics says, in mundka(new delhi) plastic fire harms daily on anybody. However kanjhavla government has announced the proper way to prepare a plant  for recycling. E-waste has been send to other countries from here. In okhla a inland depot has been made for it. In delhi, shastrinagar, turkmaan gate, seelampur, maujpur and mustafabad has produced e-waste. Metal works has been done in mandawali and its processing palnts  are in narela and bawana. Reality is that the government has lacking of its real data that says how much  is the generating level of e-waste and how much re-cycle ?
Mumbai :

In mumbai, generates the highest e-waste. According to statistics e-waste collected in many places that involves kurla, saaki , saaki nagar, grant road etc. The most of computer e-waste  has come there. In 2009 , a recycling plant has been made for recycling of e-waste. But it has generates only 7500 ton e-waste every year. It is also says that here is the large amount of e-waste import and exports. Statistics says that 20270.60 ton e-waste generates in Maharashtra.

Bengluru :

Silicon city bengluru has been sent e-waste in delhi and mumbai in every other day. According to study every recycler earns 2 or 3 lakh per month her. It hub city collected 8 to 10 thousand ton e-waste from it ferms. Here, every year e-waste collected by computer, mobiles, printer and television

Increasing computer waste in world :

The amount of computer waste in india as compared to year 2007 levels by 2020 would increase five-fold. The united nations environment programme ( unep ) report released today by revealing it was in bali . According to the report , television, mobile phone , printer -like objects held by volume of electronic waste is growing at the rate of forty million tons . Metals such as copper and gold lured him without pursuing the perfect way to spread poisonous gases into the atmosphere from burning dangerous for the environment .
According to the report that the amount of electronic waste increasing rate will be reached four times fast in comparison of 2007 in south Africa and china. China is going to face this challenge alone . For the recycling of electronic waste is not made a correct policy , india , brazil , mexico and other countries also has to bear consequences for the environment and health .

Management of electronic waste :
Electronic-waste :
Electronic-waste :

E - waste, of electrical and electronic products that are not useful to extract precious materials that remain and carry on the the where abouts or separated to make. It and telecommunications equipment, and computer trash it, telivinjan, mobile phone, fridge, washing machine, dryer, vcr, stereo, copier and fax machine, including electrical and electronic (e & e) is generated by consumer material.

E & e products are solid objects, heavy metals, polymers, the resistors, are made of materials such as policlorineted baifinails etcetera. Below are a few examples of these.

 mobile phone isolated 50 substances, including base metals (eg copper, tin), special metals (eg cobalt, indium, antimony) and precious metals (such as silver, gold, palladium) are. The most found substance is metal   (9 grams), the amount of precious metals is just mg (250 min. G. Silver, 24 min. G., gold and 9 min. G. Palladium).

If e - waste leaving the atmosphere without any process e - waste contains many toxic substances in the environment and can cause serious damage to human health. E - waste of certain chemicals found in the above effects are :

The resistive dybromineted dissolves readily in the environment -  one can not get the memory and learning abilities and their long-term effects have been associated with e-waste.

Due to the complex structure of valuable and hazardous materials, e - waste handling is specific or necessary supreme technical methods, which more and more material gain and the least harm to humans and the environment. Unfortunately the specific methods used are very short of the world mostly, e - waste reaches in developing countries or use it to extract the precious material where the components individually to the often crude techniques are used. From these techniques workers and the environment around them is threatening.

Moreover, in these methods remove content are not completely effective, because these cases are usually gold and copper (whose attainment could not even properly) much focuses on the realization of the other substances are disposed simply who damaged the human health and environment.

E - used for disposal of waste reduction , re- use and recycling of the found - mixed strategy should be pursued . Best selection and maintenance of the items by e - can reduce the amount of waste . Current electronic devices give through to charity or sold off their reuse can be ensured . Tools that can not be repaired , they again must be rotating . E - waste products for disposal should be permitted only to authorized recyclres.

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