Where is Soul in the Body According to Science

Where is Soul in the Body According to Science
Soul in the Body
Soul scriptures of Hinduism written in the Vedas that the soul originally resides in the brain . After death the soul of the universe spread out from there to another is born . Some research conducted by scientists have confirmed . Scientists have conducted research on the experience of death .

Based on the experiences of people close to death experience two eminent scientists have theorized on the experience of death . The creature 's nervous system to create the spirit of quantum matter is dissolved out in the wide universe , death is an experience .

The idea behind this theory is that the brain works like a quantum computer is a programmable consciousness . It is spread in the universe is consciousness after death .

'Daily Mail' reported Anesthesiology at the University of Arizona professor of psychology and director of the Center for Consciousness Studies Mrets and Hemeraf Dr. Stuart has carried on the quasi- religious doctrine . Chetnta is based on the hypothesis that quantum theory , which he and Sir Roger Penrose developed by British psychologist.

According to this theory of the origin of our soul is in place structures inside the cells of the brain called the Maikrotubuls . Both scientists argue that quantum gravity effects as a result of pressure on these Maikrotubuls Chetnta us feel .

The principle objective scientists Arvekstred Reduction ( Arch - side ) is named . According to this theory, the relationship between our soul neuron in the brain is wider than ever . Indeed , the universe was made up of fibers of the same building . There was a period from the birth of the soul .

According to the paper this hypothesis draws heavily from Buddhist and Hindu belief - that Chetnta similar integral part of the universe . Hemraf with the hypothesis that the experience of death Maikrotubuls lose their quantum state , but inside it does not destroy the experience . The soul leaves the body and merges into the universe .

Hemraf say that we can say that the heart stops beating , blood flow stops, Maikrotubuls lose their quantum state , the quantum information does not delete Maikrotubuls . It can not be destroyed . It merely distributed and merges into the wider universe .

He said that if the patient survives , then it goes back to Maikrotubuls quantum information and patient says that her death is felt.

Where is Soul in the Body According to Science -  Spirituality and Astrology

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